"Be Still and Know that I am God". This is a verse that I have been revisiting over the last 4 weeks time and time again. It goes against the cultural norm and the ‘natural' speed of life; to stop and be still. But as we look at the life and ministry of Jesus we see this as part of His daily rhythm and a way of life we should all look to adopt. For me this needs to be a consistent part of my day as I follow Jesus and lead Made for More, because it is in the stillness that God speaks to us and guides us. Please pray that I continue to make this a priority and that God meets me in those precious moments each day.
As September comes to an end I am so thankful for all that God has been doing through our team. To see them all head out each day to help change the lives of young people is so inspiring and it's hard to imagine all the different ways that God is using them. Please pray that God will continue to go before us and prepare the hearts and minds of all the young people they encounter. Pray for our new interns as they learn and grow in confidence with every workshop, we are so thankful for them and their heart to serve.
A highlight for me this month was my return to Shimna College, the school I was a teacher in before starting Made For More. It was great to see my old colleagues and share about the last 5 years at Made For More. More importantly it was very special to speak to over 400 pupils and encourage them about the value and purpose of their lives. Please pray for Shimna and it’s pupils, like many schools across the country it is facing increasing pressures on its staff and pupils and this can increase stress and anxiety for all concerned. Pray that God will be felt in the school and that lives will be transformed by Jesus.
Throughout September, God has blessed us with so many stories of how He is working in the lives of young people. Specifically, there have been three young girls who I’ve had the privilege of connecting with and that God put on my heart. Two of them openly shared their struggles with me and allowed me to pray with them about their situations. This was so special since they became Christians only in the past year. The third girl I wasn’t able to have as much dialogue with, however based on her written feedback it was clear that she found the session with us helpful. God has constantly been reminding me that His Holy Spirit is always working behind the scenes.
I’ve loved seeing our team bond and get to know each other better this month as God uses those places of trust and vulnerability to bring transformation. Please pray that this continues as everything we aim to do is an overflow of it.
Please pray for the ongoing work of the team behind the merchandise; supply issues have us behind time in the world’s eyes but we have confidence that God will place each item in the right place at the right time.
September has been full of opportunities to speak truth in schools, Boys Brigades and University accommodation, but it also has allowed us to begin journeying deeper with our interns.
As part of the internship programme, myself and Beth lead a weekly book study with the interns, exploring how we can combat the lies and toxic thoughts that so often ensnare our minds and how we can have the mind of Christ. This has been an incredible space for us to be open and honest with one another, while also pressing forward towards living in the freedom Jesus offers us.
Please continue to pray for our interns. They are truly incredible and so different from one another, but united in their love for God and others. Please pray for even deeper connections to be made and that our interns (John, Rhys and Lois) would continue to grow more and more into the likeness of Christ. Please pray for us as a staff, that we would lead them with wisdom, love and the humility that Jesus models so well for us!
We have been up to a lot this month, but the main thing has been surrendering it to the Lord and living out the divine appointments placed before us. In my church, we had a week of prayer and fasting, which has been really shifted my focus to the importance of surrender.
We at Made for More are fast-paced, busy, and full-on, but finding God in each moment has been the wind behind us, allowing us to go out and reach in Jesus’ name, not our own. Every school, GB, BB, church, or youth group we entered this month, we go to serve Jesus. This is the posture we will withhold!
Please continue to pray for our interns who have been focusing on servanthood and humility, in which they already embody so well! And please pray as we prepare for our up-coming trip to India in partnership with CFC and UCCI. It will be an incredible trip, but please join me in praying for our team as we prepare. Thank you!